labor &
human rights
Ensuring that workers who manufacture Fanatics' products are treated fairly and respectfully.
fair labor practices
Our Fanatics Brands division is affiliated with the Fair Labor Association (FLA), an organization that brings together brands, suppliers, civil society organizations, and universities dedicated to advancing responsible labor practices throughout supply chains. In June 2021, Fanatics became an FLA Accredited Company. As the highest level of programmatic evaluation by the FLA, Accreditation recognizes that Fanatics Brands has corporate systems in place to identify and remediate unfair labor practices in its global supply chain. Fanatics’ Accreditation included evaluation against both the FLA Principles of Responsible Sourcing & Principles of Responsible Production.
The multi-year process included headquarter level visits, regional office evaluations, shadowing of Fanatics’ nominated auditors and FLA assessments within Fanatics Brands factories.
“FLA accreditation is a tangible sign of Fanatics brands’ pledge to meet the world’s highest labor standards and its commitment to continuous improvement towards better conditions for workers.” -Sharon Waxman, FLA CEO
In addition to our Fanatics Brands affiliation with the FLA as an Accredited company, our Mitchell & Ness, WinCraft, Fexpro, and Topps businesses are also currently affiliated with the FLA through their collegiate businesses.
Central to our focus on working conditions is the Fanatics Workplace Code of Conduct, which defines and describes the standards that we have for ourselves and for our supply chain partners. The Fanatics Code is based on the FLA Code, International Labor Organization (ILO) standards and internationally recognized labor practices. We leverage these standards to evaluate working conditions and collaborate with factories and suppliers if improvements are required. Fanatics full Code and Benchmarks can be found here.
As part of our Sustainability commitment, Fanatics Brands conducts labor risk assessments for any potential supplier that will be manufacturing products. We will not conduct business with a new supplier until it is confirmed they are willing and able to meet our labor standards. Once a supplier enters the Fanatics Brands source base, we continue to monitor working conditions, as well as benchmark their improvement and incorporation of best practices over time. Ultimately, the supplier's future business with Fanatics is conditioned on (among other factors) sustainability performance and commitment to good working conditions throughout the relationship.
If we identify Fanatics Code or local law violations, we require the supplier to identify the root cause of such violations and implement a comprehensive Corrective Action Plan (CAP) that includes issues to be addressed in the short-term, as well as preventative measures to ensure compliance for the long-term. The purpose of this approach is two-fold: immediate actions focus on removing risks to and/or restoring worker well-being in the short term, while preventive actions ensure a holistic, management systems-based approach to prevent a re-occurrence of the problem.
Fanatics embraces that the challenges posed in global supply chains require a collective action approach. We see external stakeholder engagement as a key influencer of our programmatic priorities, a catalyst to our progress, and a collaborator in our quest for positive impact.
The below list outlines our Labor Stakeholders, which include multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs), civil society organizations (CSOs), non-profit.
Labor Stakeholder Overview
Americas Group (facilitated by the Maquila Solidarity Network)
A multi-stakeholder forum that includes the Fair Labor Association, the Global Union IndustriALL, the Maquila Solidarity Network (MSN), and brands and manufacturers, working collaboratively to promote sustainable practices in the apparel and footwear sector in the region. Fanatics is an active contributing member in the Mexico & Central Americas Committees.
Requires public disclosure of key source base data points. Fanatics is a signatory of the Transparency Pledge.
Multi-stakeholder initiative to carry forward the significant accomplishments made on workplace safety in Bangladesh. Fanatics is an International Accord Signatory
Better Work brings diverse groups together – governments, global brands, factory owners, and unions and workers – to improve working conditions in the garment industry and make the sector more competitive. Fanatics is a Buyer Partner.
A multi-stakeholder organization that brings together brands, suppliers, civil society organizations and universities that is dedicated to responsible labor practices throughout supply chains. Fanatics is an Accredited Participating Company.
Commitment to Responsible Recruitment
Proactive industry effort to address potential forced labor risks for migrant workers in the global supply chain. Each signatory commits to working with its partners to create conditions where no worker pays for their job; where workers retain control of their travel documents and have full freedom of movement; and workers are informed of the basic terms of their employment before joining the workforce. Fanatics is a signatory.
Created in collaboration with suppliers, Better Buying’s buyer rating system examines seven key buyer purchasing practices that affect a supplier’s ability to adhere to the terms of any contract and operate efficiently while providing a safe work environment and maximizing profitability. Fanatics is a brand participant
Engages in and disseminates research, analysis, and training related to living wage, and is the knowledge & research arm of the Global Living Wage Coalition. Fanatics is a Living Wage Corporate Sponsor of the ARI.
Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP)
SLCP has developed a simple, unified and effective industry-wide assessment framework. This will allow resources that were previously designated for compliance audits to be redirected towards the improvement of social and labor conditions Fanatics is a signatory.
Fair Factories Clearinghouse (FFC)
An online factory audit sharing platform that enables brand collaboration and reduces audit fatigue across mutual suppliers. Fanatics is a member.
Fanatics Apparel, LLC (“Fanatics”) Fair Compensation Statement
At Fanatics, our vision is that all workers in our supply chain are compensated fairly. The Fanatics Workplace Code of Conduct outlines this vision clearly and provides detailed workplace benchmarks for our suppliers, inclusive of our compensation requirement: “…Where compensation does not meet workers’ basic needs and provide some discretionary income, each Supplier shall work with Fanatics and the FLA to take appropriate actions that seek to progressively realize a level of compensation that does.” Fanatics is committed to working collaboratively with key stakeholders to implement this vision. While Fanatics is proud of our commitment to ensure fair compensation is realized in our global supply chain, we are keenly aware of the journey ahead to operationalize this vision. Below we outline our foundational accomplishments to date; we look forward to providing updates on our ongoing efforts in this space.
Fanatics Modern Slavery and Child Labor Statement
Fanatics, LLC (including its subsidiaries, “Fanatics”) is committed to improving fair labor practices throughout its business and supply chain by ensuring that it complies with all applicable laws related to forced labor, slavery, and human trafficking (collectively referred to herein as “modern slavery”), and child labor. We have published this statement pursuant to California’s Transparency in Supply Chains Act, the UK Modern Slavery Act, and the Canadian Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (together as, the “Acts”).