Candidate Privacy Policy - UK


This Privacy Policy lets you know what happens to any personal data that you provide to us, or any that we may collect about you as a job candidate or potential job candidate with Fanatics. If you need  any more information, contact us at It was last updated on 21 March 2019 to take into account new ways in which we use your personal data, and your rights in relation to it.

This policy applies only to personal information processed by or on behalf of Fanatics (International) Limited.

About us and how to contact us

We are Fanatics (International) Limited. You can contact us at Our address is Stubbs Mill, Upper Kirby Street, Manchester M4 6FN.

What personal information do we collect, why, and what are your rights?

We collect information from you when you apply for a job with us, create an account on Lever or otherwise send us data on the Lever website or via any third-party job website or recruiter, including Linkedin. The provision of information to us is voluntary; however, if you do not provide us with complete information, we may be unable to consider you for any roles for which you apply.

Candidate information: Name, Address, Contact Details, Information about your Qualifications, Salary Details, information about your entitlement to work in the UK, details about any unspent criminal convictions, whether or not you have a disability for which we need to make reasonable adjustments during the recruitment process, or any other content which you submit to us, including a CV.

Candidate notes: Any notes which are produced before, during or after an interview or any test scores in respect of any aptitude tests which you complete at Fanatics’ request.

Communications: Communications we may have with you, whether relating to a job application or not.

We use the data we collect about you for various purposes. European data protection legislation sets out specific “lawful bases” for processing personal data. The tables below sets out under which basis we process different information about you, and explains the purpose of that processing. It also sets out the specific rights you have in respect of that processing, which may depend on the basis we process it for.

Lawful basis and purposeWhat personal data do we use?Specific rights you may requestConsent: to carry out activities in the course of receiving and assessing candidate applications.

To send you direct marketing in accordance with the preferences you select when you sign up to receive updates.

Candidate informationTo have your personal data erased.

To withdraw your consent. You can withdraw your consent to receive direct marketing from Fanatics by clicking on the unsubscribe link in any communication from us, by emailing

Complying with legal obligations: To keep records required by law or to evidence our compliance with the law, including employment and recruitment laws and data protection laws. For example, Fanatics is required to check an applicant is eligible to work in the UK before employment can commence.Candidate information, Candidate notes, Communications (where relevant)Our legitimate interests: For our internal business administration, to manage job applications, including keeping general records of candidates.

To keep you updated on any active job applications you have submitted, including keeping you informed of your progress in such application.

Candidate notes, Communications, Candidate information,To restrict our processing to storing your personal data, using it for purposes of legal advice or action, or to protect another individual.

To object to our use of your personal data for the purposes stated.

To have your personal data erased where it is used for direct marketing purposes or where we cannot show an overriding legitimate interest.

In all cases, you may have the right:

  • To access the personal data we hold about you

  • To correct the personal data we hold about you

Exercising your rights

You may exercise any of the rights outlined above by emailing

Please contact us if you have any concern about how your personal information is processed at and we will try to resolve your concerns. However, if you consider that we are in breach of our obligations under data protection laws, you may lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Who do we share personal information with and where are they?

We will share your personal data with our third-parties who provide services to assist in the processing of your application. We will have in place an agreement with that service providers. If any service provider is based outside of the European Economic Area, we will ensure that the provider is either a current    subscriber to the EU/US Privacy Shield, or we have an appropriate contract for the international transfer       of personal information with them. If you would like to  see  a  copy  of any  relevant provisions, please contact

We may share any of your personal data with a prospective purchaser or purchaser of any part of our business, on the basis of our legitimate interests and the interests of our purchaser, so that they can appropriately value the business and assess any risks and continue doing business with you after the acquisition.

We may also share your personal data where we are obliged by law to do so, or where we reasonably conclude that it is necessary for defending, exercising or establishing our legal rights.

How long do we keep your information for?

We will only retain your personal information for the purposes set out in the policy and for as long as we have a legal or business requirement to do so. By law, different retention periods apply for to different  types of records and data, however we will normally hold personal data is 2 years from  the date of your   last application before it is anonymised and consent will need to be re-given. This may be extended in the event of a query, investigation or dispute until fully resolved.